Revive with Jane
Ear Candling
What is Ear Candling?
Some people think it is called Hopi Ear Candles
(it is actually thermal auricular therapy )
Hopi is the name of a popular brand of candles.
Ear Candling is a traditional therapy that has been around for thousands of years, used by both the Ancient Greeks and most notably, the Hopi Indian Tribe of South West America.
The modern-day auricular candle is not that much different to the ones used by these tribes as it uses a cotton tube carefully infused with honey, oils and beeswax. The tube is gently inserted into the ear and is then able to extract any impurities and relieve pressure in the head and sinuses.
How does it work?
Many individuals find the process very relaxing as they are asked to lie down on their side with their head supported by a pillow so that their ear canal is vertical. The candle is then placed inside the ear canal as far as it will go to fit comfortably.
Once in place, the candle is lit which begins a gentle suction by creating a vacuum within your ear canal. The vacuum draws the wax and any other impurities and debris from the ear into the hollow tube. The vacuum is brought about by warm air from the lit flame and cold air moving through the centre of the tube.
The treatment can last anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour and generally patients will hear a crackling sound as the wax is drawn up into the tube, working in a similar fashion to a chimney. This also signifies the massaging of the ear drum which helps to regulate the ear pressure and relieves any built-up pressure felt in the head.
Who can benefit from this treatment?
Individuals who suffer from sinus problems which affect their head and ears or have issues with large deposits of earwax can benefit from Ear Candles. However, it is advised that those who suffer from certain ear related issues should not use Ear Candles. Those who have suffered from recent ear infections, perforated ear drums, inflammation or those who have had ear surgery are all advised to not use this treatment.
Those who suffer from the following conditions often benefit the most from this treatment:
Excessive Ear Wax
Hay fever
Tension Headaches
Sleeping Problems
Hearing Aids Wearers
Post treatment, many patients report a sense of calm and relaxation in their head and ear alongside an enhanced sense of smell and hearing.
If you would like to find out more about how Ear Candling could be part of your self-care programme then why not contact me.
£144 for a block of 4 (saving 10%)